Yala peak climbing Itinerary

Day 01: Kathmandu 1,400 m-Dhunche 1900 m-Syabru Bensi 1,500 m.

Day 02: Syabru Bensi-Land slide 2 hrs. Bamboo 1 hrs.-Lama Hotel 2 hrs. 2,400 m.

Day 03: Lama Hotel-Ghoda Tabela 1.5 hrs. 3,048 m. Lang Tang Village 4 hrs. 3,300 m.

Day 04: Lang tang-Singdum 1.5 hrs. Kyanging Gumba 1.5 hrs. 3,790 m.

Day 05: Rest day at Kyanjin Gompa and day hike Tsekuri Ri which offers the entire range of mountains including Ganesh Himal and Lang tang Lirung 7,230 m.

Day 06: Kyanging- Yala peak Base camp 5 hrs. 5,700 m.

Day 07: Optional day for weather/Physical condition and so on. Climbing preparation day

Day 08: Summit Yala peak.

Day 09: You are trekking back to Lama hotel is also pleasant walking as you are facing to the southern area and looking at the missing views which you may left on  the way up. Mostly you are trekking through the pine, chir and Rhododendron forest to Lama Hotel. Over night at Guest.

Day 10: Lama Hotel-Syabru Village 4 hrs.

Day 11: Syabru village-Dhunche 5 hrs.

Day 12: Dhunche is the district head quarters of Rasuwa where most of the modern facilities are available. Bus/jeep/van/car drive to kathamndu.

Outline Itinerary

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Day 01: Kathmandu to Syabrubesi 122 km./75 miles/8 hrs 1,500 m.

Early morning the bus leave from Machhapokhar, Kathmandu, it takes about 8 hrs. to reach  Syabru Bensi. It is long bus ride but you will enjoy with the mesmerizing view of the landscapes along the way. You will pass many small cities and local settlement.

  • B/L/D
  • Guest house/Tea house
  • 1,500 m./4,925 ft.

Syabru Bensi is the inhabited by Tamang and Sherpa people. Syabru Bensi is also the get way to Tibet Kerung which takes about  4 hrs. walking. Your trek follows the Langtang Khola and walking gradually up hill through the Rhododendron forest to Banboo. This trails is famous for Red Panda and Langur.Over night at Guest House.

  • B/L/D
  • Guest house/Tea house
  • 2,400 m./7,875 ft.

Trails goes gradually up through the rain forest and facing to the wide valley which is not comperable with any part of the trek you ever done. Slowly you are going to trek above the tree lines. Langtang Lirung is smelling at you and at the same time feel the Micro climate over there. Over night at Guest House.

  • B/L/D
  • Guest house/Tea house
  • 3,430 m./11,250 ft.

Very short day to hike but remarkable. Monastery, Mane, chorten, Prayer flag, Yak, Cheese factory and mountain range makes your trek more unforgettable. Over night at Guest House.

  • B/L/D
  • Guest house/Tea house
  • 3,790 m./12,435 ft.

Rest day at Kyanjin Gompa and day hike Tserkuri Ri which offers all entire range of mountain including Ganesh Himal and Lang tang lirung 7,230 m. even can see the Tibetain mountains from the top of the Rserku Ri.

  • B/L/D
  • Guest house/Tea house
  • 3,790 m./12,435 ft.

We are walking above the tree lines and crossing some glacier and yak huts.Over night at Tented camp.

  • B/L/D
  • Tented camp
  • 4,600 m./15.00 ft

Optional day for weather/Physical condition and so on. Climbing preparation day.

  • B/L/D
  • Tented camp
  • 4,600 m./15,000 ft.

You do not need to be really fit for the climbing as this is a training peak for your mountaineering. After summiting you will trek to Kyanging Gumba and over night at Guest House.

  • B/L/D
  • Guest house/Tea house
  • 3,790 m./12,435 ft.

You are trekking back to Lama hotel is also pleasant walking as you are facing to the southern area and looking at the missing views which you may left on the way up. Mostly you are trekking through the pine, chir and Rhododendron forest to Lama Hotel. Over night at Guest.

  • B/L/D
  • Guest house/Tea house
  • 2,400 m./7,875 ft.

We are trekking back till land slide and the path ascends through the forest. This is seep up hill until you arrive Syabru village Over night at Guest house.

  • Guest house/Tea house
  • 1700 m./5,576 ft.

This village is famouse for their culture and mountain view as well as tibetan village in distance. Walking through the Jungel, listening the noise from the silence and passing few monastery to Dhunche.

  • B/L/D
  • Guest house/Tea house

Dhunche is the district headquarter of Rasuwa where most of the modern facilities are available. Bus/jeep/van/car drive to kathamndu.

  • 1,400 m.