History of Bhutan

Bhutan, along with Nepal, is the only country that has been independent throughout its history, never conquered, occupied, or seized by foreign influence. Some scholars believe that the first inhabitants of Bhutan were fierce mountain aborigines, the Monpas, who practiced the shamanistic Bon religion. Most documents point to the beginning of Bhutan, towards the 9th century, when many Tibetan monks fled to the country because of turmoil back home. Because the country's early history is steeped in Buddhist folklore and mythology, it is difficult to place events in an accurate chronological order. The country's political and religious histories are intertwined and almost impossible to separate.

However, Bhutan's medieval history is better documented. Ngawang Namgyal, a Lama from western Tibet, ruled the country in the 16th century after defeating three Tibetan invasions. Following his death, infighting and civil war erupted and eroded the country for the next 200 years. Bhutan's recent history begins with a hereditary monarchy. Ugyen Wangchuck was elected head of state in 1907. After his death, his son Jigme Wangchuk became the ruler, who was succeeded in 1952 by his son Jigme Dorji Wangchuk, during whose reign Bhutan began to emerge from isolation. Among his reforms was the establishment of the National Assembly in 1953. His son, Jigme Singye Wangchuk, ruled from 1972 and abdicated his powers as king to his son, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk, in 2006. A tour to Bhutan is organized by Global Adv. Completely let you experience our professional tour guide in detail.