Bhutan Tour from Kathmandu 7 days Itinerary

Explore the last Shangrila Bhutan Tour the country fascinated by Buddhism from Kathmandu, Nepal 

Outline Itinerary

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Day 01: Arrive Paro – (Altitude 2,280 m) – Thimphu (Altitude 2,320 m./7,609 ft.) (Distance: 54 km, 1 hrs. drive)

Upon arrival at Paro, your guide will meet you at the airport and drive you to Thimphu. On the way, view Tamchog Monastery, built by Thangthong Gyalpo (popularly known as Lama Chazampa, which literally means, the Iron Bridge builder) in the 15th century.

• Thang Thong Gyalpo (1385 – 1464) was a wonder-working saint from Tibet who came to Bhutan in 1433 looking for Iron Ore. He built 108 bridges across Tibet and Bhutan, out of which 8 were built in Bhutan. His only surviving bridge is in Duksum.

After lunch, visit the National Postal Museum to make personalized stamps of you and your near and dear ones followed by a visit to the Craft Bazaar.

In the evening, visit the Tashichho Dzong, the Royal Secretariat and the seat of Central Monastic Body, including the summer residence of the Je Khenpo.

In the evening, free time to stroll in the town for shopping and photography.  

  • Full Board plan
  • Hotel
  • 2,320 m./7,609 ft

The day begins with a visit to the National Memorial Chorten (1974), built in honor of our 3rd King, the late His Majesty Jigme Dorji Wangchuk (The Father of Modern Bhutan), the tallest statue of Buddha, Changangkha Lhakhang, Takin Preserve Center, Sangaygang viewpoint, and the Dupthop Lhakhang, one of the few surviving nunneries in Bhutan.

After lunch, visit the Folk Heritage Museum and Painting School and witness the archery match. Dinner and overnight in the hotel.

  • Full Board plan
  • Hotel
  • 2,320 m./7,609 ft.

After breakfast, drive to Punakha. We visit awesome sites of Dochula Pass with its 108 stupas and the beautifully arranged Himalayan mountain ranges in the north and visit the Royal Botanical Garden at Lamperi.

• The Royal Botanical Park is also known as the Rhododendron Garden at Lamperi, a nature reserve rich in flora and fauna. A Rhododendron garden with 46 species of the plant is the theme of the botanical garden. At this park, you can indulge yourself amongst these rich biodiversity.

Then visit, Chimi Lhakhang, which was built by Lama Drukpa Kuenley “The Divine Madman” The temple is also known as “the Temple of Fertility”.

• Lama Drukpa Kuenley (1455 – 1529) was one of Bhutan’s Favourite Saints who was born in Tibet, trained at Ralung Monastery and was a contemporary and a disciple of Pema Lingpa. He Travelled throughout Bhutan and Tibet as a “Neljorpa” (Yogi) using songs, humor and outrageous behavior to dramatize his teachings of Salvation through sex.

After lunch, visit Punakha Dzong built in 1637 by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal and is situated between Pho Chu (Male River) and Mo Chu (Female River). Dinner and overnight in Hotel.

In the evening, walk the Longest Suspension bridge across the Pho Chu River.

  • Full Board plan
  • Hotel
  • 1,320 m./4,296 ft.

After early breakfast, hike to Khamsung Yulley Namgyal Choling Monastery.

• Built by Her Majesty the Queen Ashi Tshering Yangdon Wangchuk. Perched on a hill, the bank of the river, the Chorten houses paintings belonging to Nyingmapa Traditions.

Then drive to Gangtey valley. On the way, take a view of Wangdiphodrang Dzong. Legend relates that as the people were searching for the site of the Dzong; four ravens were seen flying away in four directions. This was considered an auspicious sign, representing the spread of religion to the four points of the compass. The Dzong is situated at the confluence of Mo Chu and Tang Chu rivers.

Lunch will be served on the way. While in Gangtey, visit Gangtey Gompa.

• Gyaltsen Pema Thinley, the grandson and mind reincarnation of Pema Lingpa founded the Temple in 1613, and Tenzin Legpai Dhendup, the second re-incarnation, built the temple. The present Abbot, Kunzang Pema Namgyal is the ninth re-incarnation. It is a Nyingmapa monastery and is affiliated to other Nyingmapa monasteries including Tamshing in Bumthang.

NOTE: The Upper part of the valley is called Gangtey and the lower part is called Phobjikha.

In the evening, visit the Crane Information center and explore Phobjikha valley, the roosting ground of the Rare Black-necked Cranes that fly into the valley from Tibetan plateau in winter. Dinner and overnight in Dewachen Guesthouse or similar.

  • Full Board Plan
  • Hotel
  • 3,120 m

After breakfast, drive to Thimphu. We occasionally stop on the way to take photos. Lunch will be served along the way. In the evening, feel free to stroll in the town for shopping and photography. 

  • Full Board Plan
  • Hotel
  • 2,320 m./7,609 ft.

After breakfast, drive to Paro, then to Satsam Chorten, from there a 2-hour walk till the viewpoint point of the monastery. The primary Lhakhang was built around Guru Rimpoche’s meditation cave in 1684 by the Penlop of Paro Gyaltsen Tenzin Rabgay. This incredible monastery clings to the edge of a sheer rock cliff that plunges 900 meters into the valley below. Legend has it that Guru Padmasambhava, the tantric mystic who brought Buddhism to Bhutan, flew here on the back of a flying tiger, Dorji Drolo, said to be his favorite consort.

After lunch, drive to the Drukgyal Dzong, 16 km up the valley, built in 1647 by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, father, and unifier of medieval Bhutan, the dzong was destroyed by accidental fire and left in ruins as an evocative reminder of the great victories it was built to commemorate. On the way back, visit Kichu Lhakhang, built in 659 A.D. by the Tibetan king Srongsen Gampo.

• Srongsen Gampo was a Tibetan king who married a Chinese princess, Wenchen in 641, as a part of her dowry was a statue called “Jowo” which was an Indian image of Buddha, Sakyamuni as a small boy. In 659, He decided to build 108 Temples in a single day to pin the Ogress to the earth forever and, at the same time, convert the Tibetan people to Buddhism. 6 of these Temples lie in Bhutan, most prominent of them are Jambay Lhakhang in Bumthang and Kichu Lhakhang in Paro. Kichu Lhakhang is said to hold the left foot of the Ogress and Jambay Lhakhang pins the left knee.

In the evening, free to stroll in the town. Dinner and overnight in Hotel.

  • Full Board plan
  • Hotel
  • 2,280 m./7,478 ft.

After breakfast, drive to the airport for your return flight to Kathmandu

  • Breakfast