TAAN elects new executive committee

  • Jan 1, 2023
  • Rajan Dahal
  • 994

This is to inform you all that the election to form a new general committee and 43rd AGM and General Assembly of TAAN has been concluded successfully, held at the Grand Hayat Hotel on the day of 15th of August, 2022.

Table of Contents

The Program was held in the Grand Hayyat Hotel Kathmandu in the presence of the Minister of Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation Mr. Jeevan Ram Shrestha as a Chief Guest and the outgoing president of TAAN Mr. Khum Subedi presented to the general assembly paper compiled by Mr. President himself. The Program initially welcomed the chief guest along with all the TAAN Members and followed by speeches and progress reports of the then committee under Mr. Subedi. Finally in the evening when the election was over, the new committee was elected overwhelmingly by TAAN members in Favor of Mr. Nil Hari Bastola as the president and all the committee members under his panel. The Election was concluded cordially and amicably.

Global Adventure Trek family is delighted that the Managing Director of the company Mr. Krishna Dahal has been elected as a Senior Vice President of TAAN.