Langtang Valley trekking

If you go solo in Katmandu, you will be approached by a lot of guides, but how to choose the good one? Thanks to Nepalese friend to introduce me to Global Adventure Trekking (I met in Katmandu), I have been put in relation with Guide Kriss. That was lucky:
On top of being a serious professional, he was a very good companion during all the travel. He provides me with interesting information about the mountain and village we crossed, as well as about the various vegetation and animals. He was good support and a great help to overcome my limits, especially at great altitudes.
God knows Langtang has a lot of different views to offer, Guide Kriss's knowledge about the different paths helped us having the best experience during the trip while using different roads going up and down.
His help goes far beyond the trek while he gently gave me really useful information that has helped me enjoy the trip when I was on my own.